
  • Book Review: “Empowered” (Marty Cagan with Chris Jones)

    In the world of technology, where innovation is not just welcomed but expected, Marty Cagan’s “Empowered: Unveiling the Secrets to Building Thriving Tech Products” emerges as a beacon for those in pursuit of excellence. Let’s embark on a journey through this book review where I will try my best to dissect its wisdom, and narrate…

  • From Passion to Position: Navigating Your Way to a Product Manager Role

    Introduction Hey there! If you’ve been dreaming about transitioning into a product manager role, brimming with passion but unsure where to start, this guide is your golden ticket. Imagine turning that burning passion into your position, steering innovative products from idea to launch. It’s a journey, sure, but with the right map, you’ll get there,…

  • The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Effective Product Requirements Documents (PRDs)

    Creating a Product Requirements Document (PRD) can sometimes feel like you’re trying to map out a treasure hunt. You know the treasure (your final product) is worth the effort, but charting the path can be daunting. However, with the right map (or in this case, guide), you’ll find that crafting a detailed PRD not only…